Paper Submission

Both research and industry track papers are solicited. All papers must be submitted electronically in PDF format. The submitted manuscripts must describe original work not previously published and not concurrently submitted elsewhere. Submissions must be no more than 6 pages in the IEEE conference proceedings format (two-column, single-space). Each paper is peer-reviewed by the program committee members, and the authors are notified of either "accepted for a long presentation", "accepted for a short presentation", or "reject". A long presentation will be given a 30-mins slot (including Q&As) and a short presentation will be given a 20-mins slot (including Q&As) at the conference. Note that authors of a short presentation do not need to shorten the paper itself. Accepted papers will be included in the IEEE Xplore and will be EI indexed. Authors of non-accepted papers are encouraged to submit a poster descriptions.

The authors should submit their papers through the submission web page at

The reviews are single-blinded. The names and affiliations of the authors are visible to the reviewers via EasyChair.

No Show Policy:
For each accepted paper, one of the author(s) is required to register and attend the conference to present the work. If he/she does not give a talk at the conference, the paper will *NOT* be included in IEEE Xplore nor EI indexed. If the authors have, or anticipate, unforeseen circumstances endangering or preventing the presentation, they must contact the Program Co-Chairs. Any alternative arrangements require approval by the chairs.
See the IEEE Computer Society Paper Submission Policies for more detailes.